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The latest news from Martyrs Memorial FPC will appear here. Keep checking back for updates. And please do act on the news ... we'll be delighted to see you at any of the events that will be advertised in this space.

3 Night Gospel Mission on the Cregagh


Starting Monday, 21 September @ 8.00pm, Martyrs have organised a three-night Mission in Harding Memorial Primary School, Cregagh Road, Belfast. If possible, please plan to attend. If you have friends in the area, invite them along. But, most importantly, pray for the coming near of God the Holy Spirit.

Edith Cavell Commemoration


At the Lord's Day evening service on 11 October 2015 we will be considering the life and times of the Norwich nurse Edith Cavell who was shot at dawn by a German firing squad. Cavell is rmembered for a famous line: "Patriotism is not enough ... ." Cavell's upbringing as a clergyman's daughter and her profession of Gospel grace is not so well known - but is a story that should be told. 

Carol Service @ Cultra



Our second Christmas Carol Service at Cultra is almost upon us. Thursday, 15 December 2016 @ 7.30pm - make it a key date in your diary. The brainchild of our organist, Peter Lunn, the programme is coming together in a very pleasing fashion and the seats available to us are virtually all claimed. A full house for a varied programme will make for an unmissable evening. Our prime purpose, as always, is to present the Gospel message in a clear and persuasive fashion.


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